Photography & Videography


I originally started taking photos in 2017 as a hobby and quickly discovered I had a talent being behind the camera. While this is still mostly a hobby, I have done multiple photoshoots with clients and created video montages of special occasions.

Taken at the Hollad Ridge Farm Sunflower Festival (2019)

Taken at the Hollad Ridge Farm Sunflower Festival (2019)




I’ve done lakes, flowers, corn fields, bridges, and trails!





Parties, vacations, or just a fun day in general, I’ve created montages of numerous memorable moments!



I’ve done photos of both friends and clients in the above locations as well as around towns and cities!



Want a sneak peak of a larger video? I’ve created 30-second to 1-minute previews of theatrical performances, larger montages, or simply a new change to a business!




In addition to choreography, I’ve also done stage photos for both dance recitals and theater productions!




The best dance videos come from former dancers. Want to showcase the best parts of your performance, dance videography is crucial to that goal!